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All the functionalities and the communication between processes is ensured by a common list of parameters. The first 26 parameters (A -> Z) will be saved regularly in the log. These values will be recovered when the bioreactor reboots.

0APARAM_TEMP_EXT1Temperature of the solution (top)
1BPARAM_TEMP_EXT2Temperature of the solution (bottom)
2CPARAM_TEMP_PCBTemperature of the PCB
3DPARAM_PIDCurrent heating power
4EPARAM_TEMP_TARGETTarget temperature of the liquid (in °C)
5FPARAM_WEIGHTWeight (In unit of the balance)
7HPARAM_WEIGHT_SINCE_LAST_EVENTSave the last weight to avoid problems when there are power outages
8IPARAM_WEIGHT_MAXWeight value for high level
22WPARAM_CURRENT_STEPEnable protocol of bioreactor
23XPARAM_CURRENT_WAIT_TIMEWaiting time before start protocol
24YPARAM_ERRORError in the system
25ZPARAM_STATUSCurrently active service
27ABPARAM_STEPPER_STEPSNumber of steps before changing the direction of the motor
28ACPARAM_STEPPER_WAITWait time in seconds between change direction
29ADPARAM_WEIGHT_FACTORWeight calibration: conversion factor digital -> gr
30AEPARAM_WEIGHT_EMPTYWeight calibration: digital offset value when bioreactor is empty
31AFPARAM_SEDIMENTATION_TIMENumber of minutes to wait without rotation before emptying
32AGPARAM_FILLED_TIMENumber of minutes to stay in the filled state
51AZPARAM_ENABLEDEnabled service (set by user)

Other planned parameters

Others variables are consider with aditional modules that you can connect to the biorector via RJ12 port.

PARAM_PHCurrent pH
PARAM_PH_STATE0: Pause 1 : normal acquisition, 2 : purge of pipes, 4: calibration pH=4, 7: calibration pH=7, 10: calibration pH=10
PARAM_CONDUCTIVITYCurrent Conductivity
36AKPARAM_PH_FACTOR_ApH calibration: conversion factor digital
37ALPARAM_PH_FACTOR_BpH calibration: digital offset value when pH is 4.0
43ARPARAM_ANEMO_OFFSET1Anemometer calibration: offset of the digital value (digital value when no gas is flowing)
47AVPARAM_ANEMO_FACTOR1Anemometer calibration factor: conversion between gas flux (of air) and digital unit

State machine

There are 3 important variables that will manage the state of the bioreactor:

  • PARAM_ENABLED: the functions that are currently enabled
  • PARAM_STATUS: the current status of the bioreactor
  • PARAM_ERROR: if there is any error in one of the processes

The PARAM_ENABLED AZ will allow to activate or deactivate some function of the bioreactor. It is for example possible to disable heating while keeping all the other functionalities active.


PARAM_ENABLED AZ allows to enable or disable some functionalities of the bioreactor. Currently, it can control heating, agitation and food control.

0FLAG_PID_CONTROLenable/disable heating
1FLAG_STEPPER_CONTROLenable/disable agitation control
2FLAG_OUTPUT_1enable/disable food control 1
3FLAG_OUTPUT_2enable/disable food control 2
4FLAG_OUTPUT_3enable/disable food control 3
5FLAG_OUTPUT_4enable/disable food control 4

If you want to control everything the value of PARAM_ENABLED should be 63.


PARAM_STATUS Z will display the currently active functionalities. It is composed of different bits that can be enabled or disabled using the method start and stop. You may also check the status of one of the functions using getStatus.

0FLAG_PID_CONTROLEnable/disable heating
1FLAG_STEPPER_CONTROLEnable/disable agitation control
2FLAG_OUTPUT_1Enable/disable food control 1
3FLAG_OUTPUT_2Enable/disable food control 2
4FLAG_OUTPUT_3Enable/disable food control 3
5FLAG_OUTPUT_4Enable/disable food control 4
6FLAG_PH_CONTROLEnable/disable pH control
7FLAG_GAS_CONTROLEnable/disable gas control
8FLAG_SEDIMENTATIONEnable/disable sedimentation (one of the phases of food control)
9FLAG_RELAY_FILLINGEnable/disable filling pump (one of the phases of food control)
10FLAG_RELAY_EMPTYINGEnable/disable emptying pump (one of the phases of food control)
11FLAG_PH_CALIBRATEEnable/disable pH calibration
12FLAG_RELAY_ACIDEnable/disable acid addition
13FLAG_RELAY_BASEEnable/disable base addition

The status is currently the Z parameter. You can change the status by changing this value. For example, if you want to force the bioreactor to go in the emptying state you should ensure that the bits for the outputs, let's say FLAG_OUTPUT_1 & FLAG_OUTPUT_3 are set. In other words, you may have to add 2^2 (4) + 2^4 (16) = 20 to your value of the parameter Z (in the case it was not yet enabled). Same procedure is to be implemented for filling and all commands.


The param PARAM_STATUS is the main control when you are running the bioreactor protocol, be sure that those manual changes do not affect your actual test.


PARAM_ERROR Y will display any error in the bioreactor, you can check the code of the error with this table:

0FLAG_TEMP_PCB_PROBE_ERRORPcb probe failed (one wire not answering)
1FLAG_TEMP_EXT1_PROBE_ERRORLiquid probe in the top failed (one wire not answering)
2FLAG_TEMP_EXT2_PROBE_ERRORLiquid probe in the bottom failed (one wire not answering)
3FLAG_TEMP_PCB_RANGE_ERRORTemperature of pcb is out of range range
4FLAG_TEMP_EXT1_RANGE_ERRORTemperature of liquid in the top is out of range
5FLAG_TEMP_EXT2_RANGE_ERRORTemperature of liquid in the bottom is out of range
6FLAG_TEMP_TARGET_RANGE_ERRORTarget temperature is out of range
7FLAG_WEIGHT_RANGE_ERRORWeight is out of range

Always have this information at hand, you never know when it can be very helpful.