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Steps and Examples

We create a compact way to describe a set of instruction


0PIDenable/disable heating
1Stepperenable/disable agitation control
2OUTPUT 1enable/disable output 1
3OUTPUT 2enable/disable output 2
4OUTPUT 3enable/disable output 3
5OUTPUT 4enable/disable output 4


0 xxx x yyy yyyy yyyy

00000Do nothing
10001Wait in minutes
20010Wait in hours
30011Wait for weight reduction to yy% of maximum weight
40100Wait for weight increase to yy% of maximum weight
50101Wait for temperature change (continue if delta < yy [°C/100])
81000Set all the flags

Change parameters

1 xxx x yyy yyyy yyyy

  • xxxx the parameter (0 -> 15)
    • 0: Target temperature (in °C)
  • yyy yyyy yyyy: the new value (0 to 2047)


Example 1

Using two peristaltic pumps to remove bacteria and add fresh media:

00 1000 000 0000 0011 (16387)Stepper: on, PID: on
10 0010 000 0001 1000 (4120)Wait 1 day (24 h)
20 1000 000 0000 0000 (16384)Stepper: off, PID: off
30 0001 000 0001 1110 (2078)Wait 30 min
40 1000 000 0000 0100 (16388)OUT1: on
50 0011 000 0001 1110 (6174)Weight reduction 30 %
60 1000 000 0000 1011 (16395)OUT2: on, Stepper: on, PID: on
70 0100 000 0110 0100 (8292)Weight increase 100 %
8-150 0000 000 0000 0000 (0)Do nothing

Example 2

Changing temperature and turning on / off a light (on IO3). We simulate a day / night cycle:

00 1000 000 0001 0011 (16403)IO3: on, Stepper: on, PID: on
11 0000 000 0010 1000 (32808)Set target temperature to 40 °C
20 0010 000 0000 1100 (4108)Wait 12 h
30 1000 000 0000 0011 (16387)IO3: off, Stepper: on, PID: on
41 0000 000 0001 1110 (32798)Set target temperature to 30 °C
50 0010 000 0000 1100 (4108)Wait 12 h
6-150 0000 000 0000 0000 (0)Do nothing

Example 3

Run bioreactor with temperature control, agitation control, and adding fresh media in steps of 25% of maximum weight every 30 minutes; when it obtains 100% weight it continues for 16 hours.

00 1000 000 0000 0111 (16391)IO1: on, Stepper: on, PID: on
10 0100 000 0001 1001 (8217)Weight increase until 25 %
20 1000 000 0000 0011 (16387)IO1: off, Stepper: on, PID: on
30 0001 000 0001 1110 (2078)Wait 30 min
40 1000 000 0000 0111 (16391)IO1: on, Stepper: on, PID: on
50 0100 000 0011 0010 (8242)Weight increase until 50 %
60 1000 000 0000 0011 (16387)IO1: off, Stepper: on, PID: on
70 0001 000 0001 1110 (2078)Wait 30 min
80 1000 000 0000 0111 (16391)IO1: on, Stepper: on, PID: on
90 0100 000 0100 1011 (8267)Weight increase until 75 %
100 1000 000 0000 0011 (16387)IO1: off, Stepper: on, PID: on
110 0001 000 0001 1110 (2078)Wait 30 min
120 1000 000 0000 0111 (16391)IO1: on, Stepper: on, PID: on
130 0100 000 0110 0100 (8292)Weight increase until 75 %
140 1000 000 0000 0011 (16387)IO1: off, Stepper: on, PID: on
150 0010 000 0001 0000 (4112)Wait 16 h